The best golf instruction online in 2021
Do you get overwhelmed by all the golf instruction online and have no idea which one to choose? Not sure if the golf lessons online will actually work and help you shoot lower scores? You're not alone, for many the internet has taken over our lives and in turn, produced information overload when it comes to golf instruction. We all want to know how to fix our golf slice and every other golf swing problem we have at the touch of a button. One of the best ways to improve your golf game is by using the lag shot golf training aid.
In fact, searching for golf instruction online in Google brings up a whopping 1,840,000 searches.
The good news is I've researched and reviewed the best golf instruction videos and programs online to help find the right one for your game.
>> If you like this, you'll also like: The 15 Top Golf Websites Online & How They Can Help Your Golf
Golf instruction online has come a long way since the internet started back in 1990. Back then you only got words and basic pictures on a page telling you what to do in every step of the golf swing. Fast forward to today and you get detailed golf lessons for beginners that include videos, self-analysis tools, and personal online golf swing lessons.
You can get your golf swing analysed to the nth degree so you know every single thing you're doing right and wrong.
The internet enables you to access the world's best golf instructors, something that was previously impossible to do.
After reviewing and testing the best golf instruction online I've put together a list and thoughts of the best available in no particular order.
When it comes to one of the top golf websites online, the name Rotary Swing is usually mentioned when it comes to golf instruction. With over 300,000 golfers on their membership site, they are one of the leaders in the industry. Founder Chuck Quinton has developed a system that provides some of the best instruction online and has a team of certified instructors that help you with your golf game every step of the way.
At the core of the Rotary Swing system is their mantra for teaching the most efficient golf swing on the planet.
A golf swing that is bio-mechanically friendly on your body and delivers the most power with the least amount of effort.
Whether you are a beginner, weekend hacker, top amateur, or even professional you will benefit from their teachings and improve your golf scores.
Get your free membership at Rotary Swing here by clicking on the yellow link or the image below.

A new player in the golf instruction industry is the team at Performance Golf Zone. Their flagship product the Reverse Slice Sequence by golf instructor Eric Cogorno has been responsible for fixing thousands of golfers who suffered from golf slices. This system not only fixes your golf slice but turns it into a straighter and more powerful draw.
The Reverse Slice Sequence by Performance Golf Zone takes you step by step through simple 4K quality videos that every golfer can follow.
The drills are easy to implement and can be practiced at the range or the comfort of your own home.
They guarantee that by following this system, you can within 15 shots, fix your golf slice, and turn it into a pro-like draw resulting in lower golf scores.

Shawn Clement is one of the biggest names in golf instruction online and to back that up has over 22,000,000 views on his YouTube videos. His golf system called Wisdom in Golf focuses on teaching a golf swing devoid of swing positions and complex moments. Instead, Shawn focuses on teaching a golf swing that works by swing movements based on the physiological way your body was designed to move.
He focuses on switching your focus to everyday tasks and how this relates to the golf swing to improve your performance.
Wisdom in Golf is easy to understand and cuts out all the golf lingo and instead targets where you want the golf ball to go.
His target focused training benefits all golf levels from beginner to advanced.
Watch Shawn's video here 'Swing Positions Kill' as he explains why it can be detrimental to your golfing progress.

Instead of learning the usual swing position golf instruction Adam Young's Strike Plan is very different. In fact, Adam's system is based around learning skill drills that lead to golfers performing a better golf swing and in turn lowering their golf scores. Adam provides cutting edge golf instruction online through his animations, video, and drills that focus on making better contact with the golf ball.
You'll learn things such as face strike, low point, arc height, swallowing, and more that put you on the path to a better golf swing without thinking about where your golf club is during the swing.
The Strike Plan is unique in the industry as it focuses on golfers performing a series of skill drills that teach you how to contact the golf ball in the correct position in the downswing.
These drills eliminate much of the confusion in the golf swing and make it easier for golfers to absorb and understand.
You'll benefit enormously from this system and is recommended for all handicap levels including those highly skilled golfers.

When it comes to improving your golf scores via your mind instead of your swing then David Mackenzie's Golf State of Mind is number one. David works with numerous golfers of all levels from beginner to touring pros teaching how to play better golf through mental golf coaching. He is a master of sports psychology and has interviewed thousands of elite sportsmen from all fields and learned what makes them different and applied this to the game of golf.
At the heart of the website is David's system the Ultimate Mental Game Training Program that is a series of golf improvement audios.
You'll learn how to lower your golf scores in key areas such as controlling your nerves, building a pre-shot routine, and how to breathe to improve focus and concentration.
Remember, without learning some fundamental mental golf tips as you'll find in Golf State of Mind, no amount of golf swing coaching will turn you into a great player ... you need both!

One of the biggest desires of golfers these days is they always want more distance. Teaching professional Todd Kolb put together the Tour Distance system for that very reason to help golfers like you hit the golf ball longer so you're hitting shorter shots into the green. Naturally, this extra distance should result in lower scores and more enjoyment in the game.
The system takes you through step by step videos on how to generate more power without making drastic changes to your golf swing.
In fact, most of the methods involve only subtle changes to set up and body positions.
For this reason, you won't get confused over the ball on what to do with your golf swing after the takeaway and beyond.
If more distance is what you're after then the online golf swing lessons in the Tour Distance system could be just right for you.
If you're like most golfers you might be wondering if there's a secret move that the top players do that's not noticeable to the rest of us. In Jeff Richmond's Stress-Free Golf Swing system he reveals a key move performed by 9-time major winner Ben Hogan. He also discovered this move is used by many of today's top touring professionals.
It's the reason you might be struggling with your ball striking right at this very minute!
The system is simple to follow and provides no-nonsense instructions that are perfect for beginner and once a week golfers to understand.
You'll learn how to strike the golf ball more consistently with this secret move that doesn't require much practice time and can still help lower your golf scores.
What you need to do now
Now you have some of the best golf instruction online at your fingertips it's time to take action.
Click on the yellow links within each system and research a little further to see which one resonates with you and your golf game.
I've tested each one of these golf systems and written more in-depth reviews to help golfers like you decide which one is right for your game.
Go here to read more about all the golf products reviewed by myself after viewing and testing each product.
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